Migration Files

For each odoo module, a migration directory contains the analysis of the differences between the previous version and the current version and the migration scripts developed to ensure the migration of this module runs properly.

For versions 14.0 and higher

Migration directories are hosted in scripts subdirectory of the openupgrade_scripts module directory in the https://github.com/OCA/OpenUpgrade repository.

For example, the migration folder for migrating the account module from version 13.0 to version 14.0 is located here :


For versions 13.0 and below

Migration directories are hosted in the migration folder of each module in the forks of Odoo at https://github.com/OCA/OpenUpgrade.

For example, the migration folder for migrating the account module from version 12.0 to version 13.0 is located here :


Non official addons

For OCA or custom addons, migration directories are hosted in the migration folder of each module.

For example, the migration folder for migrating the OCA account_global_discount module from version 12.0 to version 13.0 is located here :


Directory contents

The contents of the migration directory per module are:

  • A file openupgrade_analysis.txt that contains data model changes and changes in the set of XML records

  • A file openupgrade_analysis_work.txt which is a copy of the previous file, annotated by the developers of the migration scripts

  • A file noupdate_changes.xml containing changes that may need to be loaded during module migration (after reviewing the contents of this automatically generated file).

  • A file pre-migration.py (or any Python file(s) starting with pre-) that is executed by the Odoo migration manager just before the module is loaded.

  • A file post-migration.py (or any Python file(s) starting with post-) that is executed by the Odoo migration manager right after the module was loaded.

  • A file end-migration.py (or any Python file(s) starting with end-) that is executed by the Odoo migration manager when all modules have been processed.

The migration directory of the base module contains an additional file openupgrade_general_log.txt. This file contains some statistics as well as the analysis records of modules that could not be found in the target release of Odoo anymore.

Generate the difference analysis files

You can create a custom set of analysis files on any set of modules between any two versions of Odoo using the upgrade_analysis module that is hosted in https://github.com/oca/server-tools. (for versions 13.0 or lower, the module is named openupgrade_records and is place in each branch of the OpenUpgrade repository under odoo/addons/openupgrade_records path)

Analysis files description

The first section displays models which are added or removed from the database.

The second section lists the model fields which have been signalled by the analysis script. Every line lists the following columns:

module / model / field (field type) : description of the change

Multiple changes per field are listed on separate lines. If possible, the old situation is added to the change description (in between parentheses).

The change description flags the following types of change:

  • The field is now required. The upgrade script might apply the default for this field, if it is encoded in the model, or any value that you might see fit (see the openupgrade library function set_defaults()). If any empty values remain, these can be reported by the openupgrade report module (TODO). If the field is a function field after the upgrade, this changes the cause for action. See below.

  • A field is now a function or a related field. This might or might not call for any action of your upgrade script, as the value is now automatically determined. At the same time, this might cause data loss. An example is the field employee’s manager (hr module), which in Odoo 6 is derived from the employee’s department.

    Without any action in the upgrade script, you will lose the manually encoded employee hierarchy.

  • A selection field’s hardcoded selection changes. You need to audit the function for any change in possible values and may need to map any differences you encounter.

  • A selection field’s selection is now being filled by a function or has stopped doing so. You need to audit the function for any change in possible values and may need to map any differences you encounter.

    (Of course, a selection function could change the set of possible values in between functions.)

  • The field changes type. This always calls for action in your upgrade script. Rename the database column to a temporary name in the pre script, then migrate the values in the post script. A typical instance of this change is when the field becomes a many2one lookup table, or the other way around. An example of these are the partner’s function which became a char field in Odoo 6, and the partner’s title which as a selection (thus char type database column) and had to be migrated to a many2one on res.partner.title.

  • A relation field’s relation changes. You need to migrate the one target model to the other, and update the references to them.

  • A field is deleted from the model (marked by ‘DEL’). Also fields from deleted models are marked in this way. TODO: mark fields from deleted models in a distinct manner. Any distinct features of the field are displayed, for easier manual matching. You need to audit any new fields (see below) to see if they correspond to the deleted field and implement this change in your upgrade script. It might also be the case that a deleted field is now delegated to a new or existing _inherits table (see below).

  • A field is introduced in the model (marked by ‘NEW’). Also fields from introduced models are marked in this way. TODO: mark fields from introduced models in a distinct manner? Any distinct features of the field are displayed, for easier manual matching. You need to audit any deleted fields (see below) to see if they correspond to the new field and implement this change in your upgrade script.

  • The _inherits property of a model has changed. It might be the case that fields which are removed are actually delegated to this newly inherited table.

  • A new model is introduced. Copy all access data from the access csv and security rules xml files and load them in your script. Also copy any other data that may be introduced in this release of Odoo. This may have consequences for other modules’ migration scripts. TODO: create an overview of new or renamed modules.

The final section of the database layout analysis contains a simple report on the changes that were detected.


The OpenUpgrade analysis files give a representation of the XML IDs that a module defines, in comparison with the previous release of the module.

XML IDs which do not occur in the updated version of all installed modules will be removed automatically by the Odoo server, if they do not have the noupdate attribute. Therefore, you can ignore most entries here, such as

  • ir.actions.*

  • ir.model.fields

  • ir.model.access

  • ir.model

  • ir.ui.*

  • res.country*

  • res.currency*

When XML ids of such record types change, the record will be recreated under the new id, and the old record will be unlinked.

To manage changes to data defined with the noupdate flag, please refer to the following use case XML-ID Renaming.