Maintain OpenUpgrade Repository

The following documentation is for OpenUpgrade Maintainers.

Set up the branch for a new Odoo release

# Configuration
export PREV=16.0 OLD=17.0 NEW=18.0

git clone --single-branch -b $OLD
cd OpenUpgrade

NODOTPREV=${PREV/\./}         # e.g. 16.0 -> 160
NODOTDOLD=${OLD/\./}          # e.g. 17.0 -> 170
NODOTNEW=${NEW/\./}           # e.g. 18.0 -> 180
ESCAPEDPREV=${PREV/\./\\\.}   # e.g. 16.0 -> 16\.0
ESCAPEDOLD=${OLD/\./\\\.}     # e.g. 17.0 -> 17\.0

# Create a new empty branch
git checkout --orphan $NEW
git rm -rf .
git commit --allow-empty --no-verify -m "[INIT] $NEW: Initialize branch"
git push origin $NEW

# Create a dedicated branch
git checkout -b $NEW-initialize

# Recover all the code from the old branch,
# - Remove coverage docsource file from old version
# - openupgrade_framework will be migrated in a future PR.
# - Remove scripts from old version
git format-patch --keep-subject --stdout $NEW..$OLD -- \
    ':!docsource' \
    ':!openupgrade_framework' \
    ':!openupgrade_scripts/scripts' \
    ':!openupgrade_scripts/' \
| git am -3 --keep

# Replace No-Dot Syntax (140, 150, ...)
sed -i "s/$NODOTDOLD/$NODOTNEW/g" .github/workflows/*
sed -i "s/$NODOTPREV/$NODOTDOLD/g" .github/workflows/*

# Replace Doted Syntax (14.0, 15.0, ...)
sed -i "s/$ESCAPEDOLD/$NEW/g" \
    .github/workflows/* \
    .pylintrc* \ \

# Reset version in manifest file
sed -i "s/17\.0\(\.[[:digit:]]\)\{3\}/$NEW\.1\.0\.0/g" openupgrade_scripts/

sed -i "s/$ESCAPEDPREV/$OLD/g" \
    .github/workflows/* \

git commit -am "[INIT] $NEW: Replace version numbers." --no-verify

# Initialize file
cat << EOF > ./openupgrade_scripts/
""" Encode any known changes to the database here
to help the matching process

# Renamed modules is a mapping from old module name to new module name
renamed_modules = {
    # odoo
    # odoo/enterprise
    # OCA/...

# Merged modules contain a mapping from old module names to other,
# preexisting module names
merged_modules = {
    # odoo
    # odoo/enterprise
    # OCA/...

# only used here for upgrade_analysis
renamed_models = {
    # odoo
    # OCA/...

# only used here for upgrade_analysis
merged_models = {
    # odoo
    # OCA/...


git add ./openupgrade_scripts/
git commit -am "[INIT] $NEW: Initialize file." --no-verify

Finally, git push the branch on your fork, and make a pull request against OCA/$NEW branch.

Manual changes